For a small area, you may be able to get away with only gluing your artificial turf down.
However, a few more stages are involved in laying artificial lawns on asphalt or concrete if you’re working with a larger space and want a more professional, seamless look for your residential artificial turf or your company.
Plan the Space Where You Will Install the Synthetic Turf
You will need to take measurements to establish how much turf you will require to cover the asphalt or concrete area. After which, you can move on to the next phase of installing turf.
Prepare the Space and Tools You Need
After a thorough cleaning, the asphalt or concrete that will be treated with turf should be absolutely dry and free of any dirt or debris. If the hard surface beneath your new turf does not have adequate drainage, as can be seen, if water pools on the surface when it is being washed, drilling drainage holes is needed to prevent the spread of mold and mildew. Mold and mildew won’t be able to spread as much if this is done.
Decide on the Underlay
An additional layer is created with the underlay placed beneath the artificial grass. In most cases, the extra cushion is advised for working with concrete or asphalt tasks. It makes the surface safer and more comfortable to walk on, which is especially beneficial if utilized for sports and recreation activities.
Installing an underlay requires the use of an adhesive, and special consideration must be given to the placement of drainage holes if they become essential.
Install Your Synthetic Grass on the Chosen Surface
After installing and positioning your underlay, it is time to begin laying out your artificial turf. The turf must be rolled out to cover the hard surface completely and the underlay installed. Before trimming the grass roll to size, you should check how much of it is protruding above the ground. The turf is stuck to the floor with an adhesive, and you can check its placement later.
You can give your turf a more natural appearance or help it return to the form it was supposed to have by brushing it out. This will also help you get the grass blades to look how you want them to. For this final chore, a broom with densely packed bristles will do the trick.
The Difficulties Inherent in Installing Synthetic Grass on Concrete and Asphalt
If you do not have the necessary experience installing an artificial lawn on asphalt a few things can go wrong. This may include having a lumpy surface, water flowing in parts where the turf was not installed properly, and a lack of drainage, which can lead to mold or mildew growing underneath your turf layer.
Suppose you start your do-it-yourself project on a surface unsuited for turf, such as fractured concrete, that would not enable the turf to lay level. In that case, you are already setting yourself up for problems that you may not be able to recover from during the course of the project. For best results, you can ask the assistance of a synthetic turf factory to help you out in installing the fake grass.